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*** Our next monthly Club meeting will be held on Tues. Mar. 4th at 6:00pm at Curry Chevrolet in Scarsdsle, NY ***

P.O. Box 57  Armonk, NY 10504

On September 25th, we hosted our Annual Special Interest Classic Car Show at Arroway Chevrolet in Mt. Kisco.  It was a picture-perfect day and even with 5 other car shows going on in the immediate area, we were able to draw over 70 cars.  A great time was had by all and we were the only show with a Governor. 

Next year, don't mess with those other guys... come join us.

On a beautiful Sunday, August 7th, members of the Westchester Corvette Club visited the Vanderbilt Mansion in Centerport, Long Island, NY followed by lunch at The Breakers Restaurant in Bayville on the North Shore. There were about 20 total cars and a great time was had by all.  Check out the picture link:  PHOTOS.

May 2016

On Sunday, June 26th, several members of the Westchester Corvette Club participated in the All American Corvette Club's "Wild About Corvettes" Car Show in Paramus, NJ. There were about 80 total cars, with 65 being Corvettes.  The Club won a large "Club Participation" award, as well several members winning the following awards:

  • Mitch:  Best in Show C4-C7, #1 modified C6

  • Karl:  #2 modified C6

  • Jeff:  #1 stock C5

  • Billy:  #1 stock 68-72

Check out the pictures below.  Congratulations to all!


April 2016

The Westchester Corvette Club held our 6th Annual Spring Dust-Off Classic Car Show on Sunday, May 22nd.  Attendance was light in comparison to previous years due to the threat of rain and wet roads.  But as the pictures below show, those who attended had a lot of fun and a lot of trophies were handed out...  Hope to see you all at our September show!

The Westchester Corvette Club held its Annual Holiday Party at Stone Manor 101 in Hawthorne...  Another successful social event thanks to the Event Committee!

On November 5th, we had a run to the Millbrook Winery.  Great run, great route and a pretty good winery.  ​

August 2016

June 2016

Tuesday May 17th was the Club's Monthly Cruise Night.  This month it was held at the Stadium Restaurant in Garrison, NY.  A great night overall with approximately 18 members attending!

On a rainy Sunday May 1st, the Westchester Corvette Club took a club C1 run to Jack Gish’s Porsche Auto Crib in Brookfield, CT.

November 2016

September 2016

January 2016

The Westchester Corvette Club had its first run of the year to Shadows Restaurant in Poughkeepsie, NY on April 17th, a beautiful Sunday.