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** Latest News:  Our next monthly Club meeting will be on Tues. August 6th at 6:00pm at Curry Chevrolet in Scarsdale, NY  **

P.O. Box 57  Armonk, NY 10504

MAY 2017 ~ ANNUAL Spring Dust-Off

Honorary Members

In Memoriam

   ​​Phil Rizzuto

   Don Swallow 

​​Vince Quartararo

​Ken Raimondi

​Lou Roberti

Joe Scala 
​Dick Spota​

​​​​​​Cathy Capasso

Frank Carollo

​John Kay​
John Marone

​Etienne "Mitch" Mitchell

The Westchester Corvette Club at the

4th Annual Spring Dust-Off Car Show

with Special Guest:  Governor Andrew Cuomo
May 18, 2014


Our meetings take place on the first Tuesday of every month at 6:00pm at ​Curry Chevrolet located at ​728 Central Park Ave., Scarsdale, NY.


​​​Peter LoPresti​

Vincent Madigan

​Tony Merendino​

​Rich Morgante

Albert Oliva

Larry Pagliaroli

​Dennis Pennino​ 

Ralph Raiano

Neil Rhodes

Robert Ricci

​Rick Ricciardi

​Larry Sachs

Louis Saltarelli

Jayson Santiago

Richard Sarcone

Larry Savino

Billy Schoenberg

​​​Joe Sparano 

Deborah Stellio

Vincent Stellio

​Rick Suarez

Frank J. Suppa

​Joseph Suppa

Robert Surovich

Scott Szilagyi
​Dennis Tedesco

Robby Teichman

Art Templeton

​​James Theiss

George Ulley 

​​Bob Weiss

Arnold Wile

​​​​​​​​Joseph Albanese

Mario Alberto

​Sammy Ametaj

Donald E. Baisley

​John Battistini

Andrew Biello

Len Bologna

​​​​​Vinny Camporeale

Eric Canova

​Tony Casci

Ciaran Cassidy

​Vinny Cavallo 
Nick Cavaluzzi

Tom Cavalluzzi

Anthony Cioffi

​Leonard Comberiate

Joe Covais

Anthony DeGrandi

Robert Del Balzo

​Cesare DeRose, Sr.

Frank DiMarco

​​Rich Dolce

Jeffrey Falcone

Martin Fareri

Anthony Ferrara

Harris Field

Spencer Firisen

​Peter Frisolone​

​​Robert Giglio

​Matthew Gluck

Charles Gray

​​​Wayne LaFranco